The pack also includes graphic elements that you can use in your artwork! Rainy Days (OTF, TTF, WOFF) If you need some bold handwritten letters, something that could be drawn with chalk or a thick marker, this font will help you achieve this effect. It looks very natural, very much handwritten, so it will perfectly accompany artistic architecture sketches. This is the font I used in this tutorial. Harmonie Script (OTF, TTF, EOT, SVG, WOFF) You can also create a unique signature with a font! So here's my hand-picked collection of fonts I recommend for Sketchbook Pro users. Sketchbook Pro was designed for creating art, but sometimes you need to add some text-and if, like me, you're better at drawing than handwriting, a nice handwritten font is a lifesaver. Now you know how to add fonts to Sketchbook Pro, both in Windows and on a Mac. Remember that you can resize your text like any other layer-it will not be rasterized in the process! Just press and hold V, and then drag the middle button. If you're worried about the Sketchbook font size, you can easily edit it. If you want to edit your text after you've clicked OK, click and hold the text layer and select the Edit Text Layer option. Type your text here, and then select it and find your new font in the list. Click the Add Text Layer button in the toolbar. How to Test Your Font in Sketchbook Pro Step 1

Your new font should be visible in the list now! 3. Now you just need to click the Install Font button. Pick the version of the font you want to install-for example, OTF or TTF-and double- click it. If it's a ZIP file, double- click it to extract it. Open the folder the font has been downloaded to.