The bootable ISO disk image is not bootable or has been created improperly.What causes the VirtualBox no bootable medium found an error? According to the investigation, there are several common reasons that can lead to the VirtualBox fatal no bootable medium found error: This error is reported to occur on Windows as well as Linux and Mac system. When trying to create a new VM or start an existing VM, lots of users fail to boot and get the error message “No bootable medium found system halted”. What Causes the VirtualBox No Bootable Medium Found Error VirtualBox No Bootable Medium Found FAQ.What Causes the VirtualBox No Bootable Medium Found Error.

What causes this fatal no bootable medium found error? This post of MiniTool will analyze the possible reasons and provide corresponding solutions. A large number of users encounter the error “VirtualBox no bootable medium found” when trying to create a new VM.